Total Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Virgo (23 degrees) report:
- The month of March kicks off the first series of Eclipse season in (2025) we have an approaching Total Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Virgo (23 degrees), taking place on Friday, March 14th, climaxing at 1:54 AM, CST. The (Eclipses) come in pairs, and we will feature the Partial Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Aries (9 degrees) on March 29th.
- With the North Node in Pisces, & South Node in Virgo sets the stage for the Eclipses over the next (eighteen months). This Total Lunar Eclipse is a super charged Full Moon, which increased their strength & effect. It can act as a Full Moon on steroids that can last up to six months. Expect some major shakeups, sudden changes, endings, and conclusions. You have to have specific endings in order to attract new beginnings.
- On the Solar Char the Sun, Mercury, North Node, Saturn, Neptune, & Ceres are all in Pisces (opposing the) Moon in Virgo & South Node in Virgo. The (dispositor) of the Full Moon in Virgo is (Mercury), where there is an emphasis to communicate at a high level through--writing, speaking, conversations, discussions and stimulating the mind. On the Solar Chart the Full Moon in Virgo is conjunct the (South Node in Virgo), while the Sun in Pisces is conjunct the (North Node) in Pisces, with Saturn & Neptune.
Total Lunar Eclipse effect:
- With a Total Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon tends to have something that is being (eclipsed out of your life, that is not working). You are letting go of challenging aspects that are no longer serving your highest self. Think of it as an ending point, sudden ending, conclusion, or finality.
- The Sun in Pisces, with a (stellium of planets in Pisces), brings up things that need to dissolve, shed light on illusions, deceptions, that have been taking place. Regarding what is not working, will be acting up, revealing secrets, self-undoing, certain fantasies that were baseless, illuminating something that has been hidden. For some this can be show that whatever they have been selling or projecting, is under pressure with being honest with a specific endeavor. There are certain changes that required. With team Pisces, you have to include all themes related to the 12th House of--secrets, behind the scenes activity, clandestine affairs, self-undoing, soul-searching, replenishment, confinement, exile, solitude, your dreams, subconscious mind, jails, addictions, alone time, introspection, and all things that are hidden.
- All Full Moons represent conclusions, ending of a chapter & cycle, culminations, illuminations to something hidden, epiphanies, secrets, and a need for closure. (A Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo) will exacerbate our emotions, feelings, moods, while it may reset some patterns in your life. In a direct sense it is to remove any obstacles in your path.
Aspects connected to this A Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo:
- A (Trine) to the Full Moon in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, creating an (Earth Trine).
- Mars in Cancer to (Sextile) The Full Moon in Virgo.
- Full Moon Virgo in (opposition) to Saturn in Pisces.
Planets involved with this Total Lunar Eclipse:
- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, North Node, & South Node, Venus, Mars, and Uranus.
Zodiac signs associated with this Total Lunar Eclipse:
- Pisces, Virgo, Cancer, Aries & Taurus.
The Moon is your imaginative power and the builder of forms. Literally moisturizes your life force. Luna is cold, sensitive, moody, crabby, and submissive. The Moon placement in your horoscope tells where you will gain through life's changes. The Moon is the essence of change and is responsible for all the changes that occur in life. Our moods, emotions, feelings, and emotional IQ are represented in your natal Moon sign.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury & the 6th House of--work, service to others, your employers, coworkers, colleagues, wellness, illness, recovery, your health regimen, fitness, exercise, diet goals, test of suffering, pets, servants, subordinates, healing, any medical procedures, fear of illness, general health, daily routine visits to your doctor or dentist, surgeries, mental and physical health, disease states & medications.
- Virgo is a (Earth) sign and is considered (Mutable) in the modality.
- Earth signs include—Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn.
- Mutable signs include—Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, & Pisces.
- Team Virgo characteristics include being--detailed, specificity, clean-minded, analytical, critical, critical thinkers, self-possessed, orderly, anal-retentive, efficient, anal-retentive, professional, interested in knowledge for its own sake, logical mind, responsible, born critics, Virgo thinks with the impersonal precision of a mental machine, kindly, witty, studios, dexterous, versatile, introspective, scientific, methodical, highly sarcastic, skeptical, fears disease and poverty, ulterior in motive, indifferent of appearance, petty, fussy, can be superficial, ingenious, self-centered, and scheming. Team Virgo are excellent managers; they want to compartmentalize and create order. For they cannot stand chaos, if there are flaws in business plan or group dynamic Virgo provides direction, taking charge and increasing time management.
Cosmic Tip:
The Moon in Virgo & Total Lunar Eclipse puts an emphasis on focusing on the details with your work, service to others, your health regimens, wellness, fitness, your diet, dealing with your pets, and most importantly routine check-ups with your doctor or dentist. Excellent time to put together a routine that involves greater influence in your work sector & health related issues. There will be more activities with your health regimen, recovery from illness, medical treatments, and dealing with your pets. Some will be motivated in acquiring a new pet over the next six months.
At the same time, the (perfectionist) comes alive. Not a time to settle for second best, rather there is an indefatigable quest to get things in a functioning working order. Managing others will also play a role, taking direction from a person who is highly strict that follows the letter of the law, while putting extra attention in crossing their T's and dotting their I's. While there may be a level of sarcasm, or skepticism, the objective is to cut to the chase and focus on law & order. For some analyzing the details until you receive the truth will be the focus. Others will be making re-edits to their list or notes.
Team Virgo is not satisfied until the project or assignment is perfect. No excuses! Virgo can be demanding, especially with regards to time management, organizations, creating files, order, specificity, and the details. For some, there can be building resentment with an over critical manager, supervisor, or a person who is criticizing your skill sets. Being critiqued will come with some resistance, with tension that has been building up for months.
You want to keep track three or four days leading up to the Total Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon, with regards to increased aggressions, conflicts, disagreements, and arguments. The next day, Mercury (the natural ruler to Virgo) is set to Station Retrograde in Aries, so there can be serious communications snafus, confusion, miscommunications with how interact with others, sending mixed messages, and having breakdowns with your car, computers, phones, or anything electronic. You may find that you need to adjust and take time out of your day to repair things, as you are traversing the emotional landmines.
Check in with your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant signs, or where you have Virgo, Mercury and the 6th House in your natal birth charts. Also, look where you have (23 degrees) in your natal or solar return charts. I hope you find this information to be informative.
Enclosed is a full horoscope connected to this (Full Moon in Virgo & Total Lunar Eclipse) for all the twelve zodiac signs. Read first, for your Sun sign, then your Rising/Ascendant sign, and then your Moon sign with both your natal and solar return charts.
- Aries--the (Ram), this impacts your 6th House of--work, service to others, your employers, coworkers, colleagues, wellness, illness, recovery, your health regimen, fitness, exercise, diet goals, test of suffering, pets, servants, subordinates, healing, any medical procedures, fear of illness, general health, daily routine visits to your doctor or dentist, surgeries, mental and physical health, disease states & medications. There can be an ending with work-related project that you have been involved with. Also, you could be working on health-related issue, that has a clear set of instructions you need to comply with.
- Taurus--the (Bull) this impacts your 5th House of—heart & love, romance, dating, affairs, sex, one-night stands, orgasm, pregnancy, children, kids, fun & frolic, pleasures, amusements, entertainment, creativity, artistry, creative expression, your hobbies, drama, theatre, courage, leadership, being competitive, arrogance, bold & brash energies, vanity, being cocky, type A, needs to be in the spotlight, center of attention, this includes gambling & speculation. With the a (Trine) to Uranus in Taurus, this can be a beneficial time, where you have an unexpected romance, or a creative endeavor that can last up to six months.
- Gemini--the (Twins) this impacts your 4th House of—home & family, family traditions, family legacies, your living foundation, living space, land, property, rentals, real-estate transactions, your moods, emotions, feelings, your emotional IQ, the past, your mother, early childhood memories, and your domestic sector. The (Twins) can witness a shake up on the home front in two different ways. You could see an ending with a roommate situation or a living situation. There can be some adjustments in your nuclear family or family dynamics that require your attention. There can be completion to a remodeling project with your home. Note, something is ending or being eclipsed out of your living space.
- Cancer--the (Crab), this impacts your 3rd House of—communications, speech, memory, news, rumors, dexterity, short-distance travel, dealing with your sibling's neighbors, and neighborhoods. Watch for increased emails, texts, letters, conversations, links to people on social media, discussions, with all people in your network. You have tacit knowledge that others want to know from you. Expect many people who will be reaching out to you for your sage-like advice. There can be the final endings, edits, with an essay, op-ed, or article that you have been working on for weeks. The finished product will be highly successful and expect to be lauded for your talents & skills as a writer. Mercury rules the 3rd House, so this will dramatically influence you.
- Leo-- the (Lion), this impacts your 2nd House of—money, resources, assets, earned income, your possessions, ownership, financial gains, your vestments, your sense of value, this includes your self-worth, & self-esteem. Watch for an ending to a financial matter, where money and your assets are in play. There can be a conflict or dramatic conclusion regarding money and who receives it. Expect secrets, epiphanies, that illuminate something that has been hidden. It is all about the money, and you will see someone's true colors in others that may surprise you.
- Virgo--the (Virgin), this impacts your 1st House of—ego, personality, image, disposition, your temperament, personal characteristics, identity, sense of self, opinion of the self, idiosyncrasies, the face you project to the public, your alter ego, and physical features/appearances. Team Virgo you're in the spotlight, with the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse connected to the South Node in Virgo, has the past becoming back to the present. The next day, Mercury (your natural ruler) will Station Retrograde in Aries. Watch for major changes how you interact, influence the public. Over the next (eighteen months), you're going through a massive transition.
- Libra--the (Scales of Justice), this impacts you in the 12th House of—secrets, behind the scenes activities, clandestine affairs, self-undoing, soul-researching, replenishment, dreams, jails, institutions, your subconscious mind, waking state, addictions, confinement, introspection, exile, solitude, alone time, and all things that are hidden. There can be many different aspects taking place behind closed doors. Watch for epiphanies, secrets, and profound messages coming through your guides, ascending masters, spirits, advanced E.S.P., with others. Your best more is let go of aspects that no longer serve you on a deep level. Expect in releasing deep seated themes, that have held you back from achieving your highest potential. Eliminating self-undoing tendencies.
- Scorpio--the (Scorpion), this impacts your 11th House of—groups, organizations, teams, acquaintances, alliances, friends, your social endeavors, circle of friends, this includes your hopes, wishes, and dreams. Team Scorpio, you may some endings, or conclusions with a group dynamic on some level. It may take up to six months to manifest. There can be secrets, epiphanies, culminations or illuminations to something hidden. On the upside, a long-held dream, objective can be achieved or finally concluded. The eclipse energy will most likely (eclipse something out of a group dynamic) that no longer serves your best interests over the next (six months).
- Sagittarius--the (Archer), this impacts your 10th House of—career, the occupation, your professional reputation, professional accolades, status, credit, honors & awards, business success, authority figures giving you the green light to advance to the next level in your career path, sphere of influence, your natural talents & skills in your professional sector. You can find that your current career path is not working out. Watch for conclusions, sudden endings, with certain companies that no longer serve your highest good. This will help you align yourself with a better role, company that fits your talents & skills on a larger scale.
- Capricorn--the (Goat), this impacts you in the 9th House of—education, publishing, research, advanced studies, higher learning, exams, the big picture/the big adventure, long-distance travel, your personal perspective, philosophy, faith, religion, spirituality, New age concepts, history, historical figures, international affairs/cultures, the legal system, the courts, lawyers, justice, a final judgement with a legal matter, using your abstract/higher mind. There can be some endings with regards to education or learning a newer concept. Watch for specific conclusions with a legal matter, which has been going on for a while. You should have a favorable ruling.
- Aquarius--the (Water Bearer), impacts your 8th House of—transformations, shared resources, other people's money, sex, intimacy, taboo subjects, death, rebirth, debt, dowries, inheritances, trusts & wills, taxes, mortgages, loans, a bonus, unexpected money, the occult, deep psychological analysis, the deep underworld, intensity, mystery, and regeneration. There can be certain endings, conclusions regarding an intimate manner and a financial situation that has been front & center for many months. Watch for culminations, secrets, or epiphanies taking place in any of these themes listed above.
- Pisces--the (Fish), impacts your opposite sign or 7th House of—marriages, partnerships, (both personal & professional), any legal contractual obligations, agreements, your one-on-one-engagements, mutual benefits, reciprocity, long-term commitments, settlements, divorces, lawsuits, and dealing with your open enemies & adversaries. There can be a shake-up, or sudden ending with a partnership or relationship, that no longer serves your best interest. There can be several secrets revealed, epiphanies, conclusions, and culminations with ending a chapter, cycle in your relationship sector. This can last up to six months, plus there are several planets in Pisces on the solar chart opposing the Full Moon in Virgo.
Written by Adam Mitchell Lasko
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